Canadian Educational Structure

Canadian Educational Structure

Canada has over 15,500 schools, and more than 400,000 international students chose Canada in 2016/2017 to get their education. Canadian students perform well in reading, literacy, mathematics, and sciences; top among English and French speaking countries according to the Organization for Econom­ic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Canada is one of the world’s top education performers and is the top OECD country in spending per student on public post-secondary education. Students score high on international tests reflecting the dedication each jurisdiction has on the quality of the education system.

  • Elementary (grade 1 through 8)
  • Secondary (grades 9 through 12)
  • College Diploma (1-4 years) Bachelor’s Degree (3-4 years)
  • Doctorate (3 years or more)
  • Master’s Degree (1-3years)
  • Apprenticeship/Trade Certificate (1-4 years)